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Paid Plans Q & A

See related questions and answers for our paid plans.

Q- Can I upgrade to a paid plan at anytime during my free trial?



Yes you can. You can choose to upgrade to any of our paid plans at anytime during your free trial period.

Q- Can I upgrade or down grade the paid plan I selected at any time?



Yes, you can upgrade or down grade your paid plan to any of our other paid plans at any time.

Q- What forms of payments do you accept for your paid plans?



We accept debit cards, credit cards and most major payment processors like paypal, square, stripe etc.

Q- After I select and pay for a plan, when will my plan start?



After you have submitted your payment for any of our paid plans, the plan you paid for will start within 24 hours or in most cases, immediately. 

Q- Will my payment for the plan I selected be automatically withdrawn as a recurring payment?



Yes, your payment is a recurring payment and will be billed monthly or yearly based on the day of the month or month of the year determined by the payment option you selected.

Q- What happens when I decide to end the paid plan I selected?



When you choose to end the paid plan you selected, you will no longer be billed for that plan.

Q- Can I temporarily suspend my plan?



No, at this time you cannot suspend your paid plan.

Q- When will the paid plan I selected end?



Never, unless you cancel your plan or your payment method for the plan you selected is declined. 

Q- Do you sell my data that I provide when I sign up for or use one of your paid plans?



No, we will never sell your data that you provide at sign up or during your use of any of our paid plans.

Q- Do you keep my data on your servers after I decide to end the paid plan I selected?



No, your data is removed from our servers within 5 - 10 days of your paid plan ending, unless you opt in to another service we offer otherwise.

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